About us

Who are we?

AGATA Skowrońska-Kapusta
AGATA Skowrońska-Kapusta - she could be called the First Lady of Polish IT, if she were a lady rather than an Admin. She’s a bit of a cyborg, a combination of a nasty, cynical technical mind with the beauty of a female body that can surprise even old professors. A bit of a mental vampire: she knows what her students want to say before they do it, and the mistakes that they make are too trivial for her to ever raise her eyebrow. Teaching takes about 10% of her resources. The rest of the Agata 2.0 operating system processes thousands of problems and data streams at a tremendous rate, ranging from the latest string theory used in crocheting, to quantum entanglement of IP packets, to trivial data leaks from optical fibre cables. If she had a dog, his name would Technology, he would fear her, guess her wishes and execute them immediately. Her hobby is Household survival, i.e., how to survive with her husband, who is even a bigger Geek than her, her daughter who uses a tablet even while sleeping, and a little son who uses the QWERTY keys as Lego blocks. Out of boredom, without stopping crocheting, she wrote several books and English-language publications.

KAROL Krysiak
A chameleon of mimicry - only the second glance lets one appreciate what kind of a sociopathic technology maniac one is dealing with. An evangelist of changes taking place in the reality around us. An IP priest - some packets worship him. A server-room shaman who takes spells of enchanted Data Centres. A server exorcist who expels the worst of daemons out of them. A plumber of cabling who unclogs congested networks. A data shepherd – he drives table herds with SQL queries. An apologist of effectiveness – he leads the projects that he undertakes, sometimes by the hand, sometimes through shortcuts, along new paths, to a successful end. A casual novelist – the author of a bestseller “Computer Networks. A compendium” (published by Helion). Professionally guided by the KISS principle - Keep It Simple Stupid. If he had the time (and resources) to realize 10% of its ideas, the world would look different. Favourite quotes: "The key to success for Sony, and to everything in business, science and technology for that matter, is never to follow the others." Masaru Ibuka "Imagination is more important than knowledge. (...)knowledge is limited." A. Einstein